kesatuan melayu muda
During this period Malay nationalism began to focus on ketuanan Melayu which in the past had been taken for granted. Roughly Young Malays Union in Malay was the first leftist and national political establishment in British Malaya. Pin On I Tujuan utama organisasi ini adalah mempersatukan semua warga Melayu tanpa melihat asal usulnya dan memperjuangkan hak-hak warga Melayu. . 4 Founded by Ibrahim Yaacob and Ishak Haji Muhammad KMM grew into a prominent pre-war nationalist movement notable for its leftist political stance and willingness to use violence a sharp break with their. Mengapakah Kesatuan Melayu Muda KMM dianggap radikal oleh British. Founded by Ibrahim Yaacob and Ishak Haji Muhammad KMM grew into a prominent pre-war nationalist movement notable for its leftist political stance and willingness to use violence a sharp break with their contemporaries in th. Kesatuan Melayu muda ialah persatuan berbentuk separa politi...